Wednesday 2 March 2011

Keepers Ruminations

So the third session went quite well. I'm still not completely there with the system but the cheat sheets provided by Pelgrane Press helped a lot for all of us. The players are beginning to put forward ways of using their skills to gather clues which is definitely helping move the game along. I'm still a little concerned about combat, which is sure to come up soon, but it'll be alright on the night.

It's interesting that I felt that this session wasn't as well paced as the previous one but when I brought it up with the players they felt it was much better. Looking back I feel that this is because I had less control. As a player facing game they were the ones dictating the turn of events which meant that things never went in the pace that was in my mind. Interesting and good.

I'm amused that the players didn't do a couple of obvious things. As noted previously they haven't shot an obvious villain in the face, a regretable roleplaying staple, and they didn't immediately go for the breaking and entering option. I've run a lot of Call of Cthulhu over the years and the one thing I've found is that given the least hint of suspicion our investigatots will be jimmying locks like nothing. By contrast this group are building up to it slowly.

Finally let's talk about this posts picture. All keepers and GM's have stuff that comes up in every campaign often withought the realising. One of mine is the urchin. He's become such a stock character that I never even thought about it when he introduced himself withan "Ello what's up guv?". Right away Rosa cried out, "It's the urchin!" and it took 5 minutes for her and Irish Paul to explain the character to poor Martin who hasn't been in one of my games for years.

You see without it being a conscious thing the urchin has become a stock character for me. He's been around for years but really came to the fore in my last three year WFRP campaign where the characters learned to always check in with the first urchin they saw and always sent their post through UPS.

Anyway the picture above is because this urchin was called Wullie and they decided he was Our Wullie, had spike hair and wore dungarees. Despite only one of the players being Dundonian they couldn't help but go for a great Dundonian icon. My urchin will always be Oor Wullie from now on, look him up!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the rules cheat sheet was helpful! I had fun making it a few years back when I was mad, MAD for Trail.
