Tuesday 22 March 2011

Kalabos Chills with the Ho-bro's, A Life on the Ocean Wave, Dungeons and Deep Ones

Our heroes spent the night on the newly delivered yacht, Kalabos going out for a midnight stroll being warned by the yacht club security that the grounds were off limits when the club was closed, and woke for a hearty breakfast and discussion of their plans.

It was generally agreed that investigation of the caverns near Kingsport was a priority as burglary of the club would be best put off until the full moon in a couple of days time when the strange night-time van visited. If something was being picked up this would be their best time to find out what and if something was being picked up there may a distraction. Either way they new that the dogs weren't used on these evenings. With this in mind it was decided that they'd head out that very death
to unearth the mysteries beneath Kingsport.

Kalabos had other plans. Politely declining the opportunity to explore horror-laden depths full of sanity-blasting monsters he instead opted to contact his hobo friends to request help in the assault on the club. Grabbing some food from De'aths well equipped galley he headed into the town and met up with a group of hobos he had befriended earlier. Over boiled meat and hooch they arranged that the hobos would attempt to get in the front of the club on the night of the full moon thus creating a diversion whilst our heroes broke into the office via it's back door. Promises that they could keep anything they found and a possible stipend from De'ath secured their services and Kalabos proceeded to celebrate his bargain whilst his friends embarked on a journey into the depths.

Meanwhile Lady Lautrec-De'ath, Mr Dawson and Mr Shambles cast off in her well-crewed and equipped yacht. The Lady had her man clean and oil her Purdeys in case of danger and also made sure to take a stock of dynamite, Dawson spent this part of the journey sawing the barrel off a much cheaper shotgun and Shambles, well Shambles did whatever Shambles does. Who knows what goes on with that guy, though he did prove useful in identifying the most likely cavern mouth and revealed his previously unknown skills at piloting a boat. After a relatively short and uneventful voyage they anchored off the coast near an opening to the depths. Lowering a boat manned by four of De'aths strongest sailors they were soon at the mouth of the cave. Leaving instructions to wait an hour and that if they were in trouble they give give a signal of three whistle-blasts our intrepid trio ventured into the stygian depths.

The tunnel proved to be long, dark and ever leading downwards. At one point Shambles stepped in something that gave beneath his foot in an unwholesome way. Peering down he was hit by a rank stench as he realised he had stepped in the rotting corpse of a hobo. Choosing not to reveal his find to the rest of the party he led them around the remains.

Eventually the tunnel led out into a cyclopean chamber studded with seemingly bottomless pits scattered over the floor. De'ath took the lead here pushing forward until they came to a strangely stained altar over which a statue loomed. Casting her torch upwards she saw the statue was a of a squamous octopoid man-thing which seemed to gaze down with a look of vast malevolence. On closer inspection the stains on the altar proved to be human blood and shackles could be seen hanging from each corner. It was as she gazed upon this horror that the first sounds were heard. Scrabbling sounds as of claws on stone combined with some sort of low moaning coming from below. Something was emerging from the pits!

For moments confusion reigned as the scrabbling continued then our stalwart heroes decided on a truly brave action, they would flee. Tails between their legs they fled across the chamber heading for the tunnel that would lead to civilisation and safety. At this point Dawson realised that he had made a major error in character creation by neglecting to put any points in the flee skill as he began falling behind, dangerously behind. As they reached the tunnel the first of the pursuers caught up with Dawson and he was whipped around to face an unnameable batrachian horror. Walking on hind legs was a scaly creature with the blank-eyed stare of a creature from the depths of the ocean but it's features held a repulsive shadow of humanity and there was something reminiscent of Gardner about them. De'ath stopped for a second to unload both barrels of her shotgun at the creature, only managing to damage the tunnel wall, before running off leaving Dawson to deal with it alone.

Upon reaching the surface De'ath and Shambles finished setting up the dynamite which De'aths sailors had already unpacked hoping that Dawson would make it. Once it was set Shambles decided that they could wait no longer but De'ath could not bear to leave their companion to the horror below. A heated argument turned into a scuffle which, if Shambles won, could with Dawson trapped in the depths.

Meanwhile Dawsons struggles continued below. After a prolonged scuffle he realised that if he waited any longer the creatures companions would be on him. Unleashing the second barrel of his shotgun in its face he fled to the surface. Upon reaching the cavern mouth he was able to stop his companions unseemly fight and leaping into the boat they sped away as the dynamite exploded. But it was too late, as the explosion rocked the cliffs Dawsons nemesis leapt through it onto the boat it's claws slicing through a hapless sailor who fell screaming into the sea. Dawson had managed to reload his shotgun though and as the horror loomed over them he unleashed both blasts into it's face. The mighty shot blew the creatures face off splattering Dawson with brains and blood as it slid off the boat into the depths. Shaking with fear our heroes rowed back to the yacht and safety.

Back in Kingsport the companions met up with Kalabos for brandy, lots of brandy. After discussing the shocking proofs that they had witnessed they decided to report back to the Armitage Inquiry and ask for help. The board listened with interest to their tale and agreed something must be done. Unfortunately no physical aid could be given to the investigators as the board were of course only academics and the investigators had been hired for the just this type of thing. It was decided though that the companions would be given access to the Necronomicon in the hope that the unhallowed tome might give some clue on how to defeat the horror from the deeps. At this point our heroes decided it was time to take a couple of days off to recuperate and examine the Necronomicon before assaulting the yacht club on the night of the next full moon.


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