Wednesday 23 February 2011

Keepers ruminations

So besides just talking about what happened how do I feel about the game so far?

In my mind it was going to be slightly darker but I should have thought of my players more, there's always a certain element of farce in anything we play.

The system so far seems to work quite well. I like just giving the clues to the players and I'm hoping that I'm managing spends quite well though I'm not sure how to put in core clues with this style of play. I decided on one for the session, damned if I can remember which one, and I remember it felt just right at the time. It's difficult to use this part of the system when you're essentially making it up as you go along.

This brings me to the plot which so far has been pretty straightforward. I was at first worried about making a villain very obvious though I had very good reasons for doing so. For a first session with some new players I didn't want the mystery to be so murky that they felt that they weren't moving forward at all. Of course this doesn't mean that the plot is so obvious, it isn't like they can just walk up and shoot the person they see as the villain or that killing one person will stop the plan.

As an aside I love the use of the Cthulhu Mythos skill in the game. At this point I'd decided that blatantly revealing a villain would be good for the plot and my player so went with the consequences. The danger/reward aspect is very good and gives a different shape to the game.

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