Wednesday 16 February 2011

In which our heroes meet, the first Files are presented and the game's afoot

I put this post off as long as possible to allow the players to present their characters in the companion thread but time has run out. Our first session was spent creating characters and introducing the Files.

Ian created ex-boxer, ex-polis officer and current PI Sam Dawson, a man driven by revenge! Ian has been kind enough to introduce the man here and here.He's a salt of the earth upright guy who's undoubtedly going to die horribly.

Martin created Jesus Kalabos the improbably named hobo. Driven by bad luck explaining why he's a hobo, his explanation of himself is here. It makes as much sense to me as it does to you and I'm a little worried he's going to die a horrible death.

Rosa is playing Amelia Lautrec-De'ath an English noblewoman who's family has a dark past that may lead to he dying in a horrible fashion.

Our other two players haven't been able to make a post regarding their characters as yet.

Jamesie is playing Professor Shaftesbury, known as Shaft by his friends, an academdic who speacialises in architecture and is driven by his need to be seen as a great scholar and attain tenure. This may lead to his death. Possibly a horrible one.

Irish Paul plays Tom 'Eagle Eye' Shambles an author who's drive is not yet revealed. Paul spoke at length about how this character is writing about Amelia but to I'm still not sure exactly what this is all about. He's in a battle to get it published before his horrible demise.

Our investigators were summoned to a special meeting of The Armitage Inquiry a secret organisation with Miskatonic University begun after the affairs of The Dunwich Horror and The Whisperer in the Darkness and the disasterous expeditions by the university to Australia and Antartica. From all this the universities head librarian and a few colleagues have learned that our world is really not ours. Aeons before we came Gods and Titans ruled the world and they but sleep until they do so again. Humans are just a pestilence that will be wiped away when they rise. Even worse there are cults within our very own species working to bring these creatures back! The Armitage Inquiry works to put off the inevitable for as long as possible without revealing all to the world and leading it into madness.

At the meeting it was revealed that within days of each other two documents had mysteriously appeared at Miskatonic, both written in the hand of Dr Henry Armitage himself. He has no memory of writing them and their appearance is a mystery. The Inquiry Board are split on what this means. It may be that Armitage is writing them unkowingly, that a cult has forged them as part of an attack or that they come from somewhere else. Reaching an impasse they decide a different perspective could be of use and call our investigators.

Our investigators were then presented with the two documents and asked to ascertain their meaning. Upon reading the documents seemed to suggest that they were sent from the future by Armitage and allude to some sort of apocalypse. Labwork shows that the first document contains traces of blood, pulverised concrete and ither substances and may be from a later date than the second. From the myriad references in the documents our investigators focused on two. A reference to some type of circus or carnival and another to the Kingsport Yacht club. As Kingsport is but the next town over it was here they decided to begin their investigation. I fear it may lead to many deaths, horrible ones!

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