Monday 14 February 2011

In which our host introduces himself, fears are revealed and the Armitage Files discussed

So this is the first post of my roleplaying blog and I'm a bit freaked out by the whole thing. I'm not all that concerned about blogging about my game as I've blogged a bit before so it's not a reall hassle, I'm not scared of doing Cthulhu as I've been a keeper of the game for over 20 years, though not of Trail of Cthulhu, but I am shitting myself over The Armitage Files.

You see traditional Call of Cthulhu games are normally pretty tightly plotted. They're mysteries in which there's a clear villain with a clear agenda and it's pretty easy to spot the beats and use them. If anything Trail of Cthulhu pushes this even more with a rule system that concentrates on giving the clues directly to the players making their discovery of the plot everything.

The Armitage Files throws this all out of the window.

The book consists of ten rather long handouts and a host of characters and background. There is no plot. Instead you have a toolkit to improvise the game based on how the players react to the, frankly apocalyptic, handouts. I've done quite a bit of improvisational stuff before and I'm okay at it but this is something different due to the whole mystery angle. I have got to run a mystery game where I don't know who the villain is or their plan. It's a bit scary.

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